


Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You into my heart and the moments of my day. 

"Abide in Me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in Me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from Me you can do nothing" (John 15:4-5).

What could be more important than learning to abide in You? You said if I abide in You, You would abide in me, and I would bear much fruit.

So much of the time, we get that so wrong. I get this wrong. We tend to focus on the fruit, when You said to focus on You. We tend to focus on what we're doing for You instead of how we're living in You. It's like seeking first to build the kingdom of God instead seeking first You and our right relationship with You (Matthew 6:33). It's like trying to do so many good things instead of seeking the One Thing that makes all things work together for good. It's like trying to do it all ourselves instead of letting You do it all through us. And ultimately, all that we do apart from You, no matter how good or helpful it may seem at the time, amounts to nothing of eternal significance. Just like You said long ago, "Apart from Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

So teach me to abide in You. Teach me to seek You first and focus most on my relationship with You. Lord Jesus, as I seek to abide in You right now in the beginning of my day, what do You want me to hear or see or sense in this moment? ...

It seems I hear You saying in my heart:  "You abide in Me as you open your heart to Me, allowing Me to abide in you. That's the key. Allow Me to abide in you. Welcome my Spirit within you. Embrace my life within your life. Allow Me to put My thought in your mind and My desires in your heart. Allow Me to express My words, My power, My heart, My nature through your life. I am the Vine. You are one of My branches. Seek to be one with Me, one in the Vine, and My Spirit will flow through your life. Then I will cause My fruit to be born through you. Let your focus and your passion be upon abiding in Me. Then trust Me to bear My fruit through your life. Not by your power, not by your might, but by My Spirit."

Yes, Lord. That's sounds like You speaking to me, as I seek to discern Your voice from my own thoughts, the leading of Your Holy Spirit from the merely the desires of my own human spirit. As I test these words first against the Word of God, these Scriptures come to mind:  "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). "In Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:19-20). "Christ in (me), the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).

So as best as I can and all by Your grace, aspart of my journey of Lent to the cross,, I seek to abide in You, Lord Jesus Christ. You are the Vine and I am one of Your branches. As I begin this day and live out the moments of my adventure of faith, I want to be embraced by my Father, centered in Christ, and filled with Your Holy Spirit -- abiding in You as You abide in me. Let this be more than a moment, but a lifestyle of living in You and allowing You to live through me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, I pray you will prioritize today time to welcome Jesus’ Spirit within you and embrace his life within your life.  I pray you will be stirred by the Spirit of God to abide in Christ in a lifestyle of abiding and living in Him, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.


Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support as I try to compassionately reach out to those those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Thank You!   

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community






"My Peace I Give You"


"My Peace I Give You"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God; You are One and You are with me. I welcome You here within me and every moment of my day. 

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.... Rise, let us be on our way" (John 14:27-31).

Jesus, every morning I can rise and be on my way with secure in You because Your peace is within me. As You promised to Your first disciples, You continue to promise every disciple, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

The first world the disciples lived in was under Roman control was a world full of vices and violence, foreboding and fear, chaos and confusion, injustice and inhumanity, and troubles and tribulations.  Sound familiar?  Sound like today’s world? However, Jesus invited them andHe invites you and me to find my peace in You. You remind me You are the "Prince of Peace" -- my "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). You encourage me to overcome by embracing the One who has already overcome (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21).

The mornings I “Rise, and lets us be on our way.” The mornings I begin my day in word and prayer centered in your peace,  there's a shifting that takes place inside me. It’s a shifting that cannot be shaken by any shifting in the world around me that I am about to go out and enter into. It's a shifting of perspective that gives me peace in the confidence and assurance of Your Presence. You're with me through it all (Isaiah 43:2; Psalm 23:4). You never leave me, nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). You're with me "always" (Matthew 28:20). 

And at the end of my day when it's all been said and done, when I see with my eyes what I've known in my heart, that You've been with me to the end, I will look and see that none of the things of this world that tried to overwhelm me and overcome me to steal my peace had the last word or defined my life. You did. You always have and You always will. And Your Word over me is always good (Jeremiah 29:11). You are the Living Word of God, who is always with me (John 1:14). And that's what gives me "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard (our) hearts and (our) minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, be bore you “Rise, and lets be on our way” this morning. I pray you will know the peace that surpasses all understanding through every trouble and tribulation you ever endure, safe and secure, encouraged and overcoming in the One who is your Prince of Peace, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same of me. God bless you my friends!

Let us join together today and pray for peace in the war in Ukraine. Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who are rising this morning and walking out into the horrors of war. Pray that Russia will end it’s campaign of aggression.

 Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support as I try to compassionately reach out to those those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Thank You!  

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community



"Jesus Had Dirty Hands"

1 Comment

"Jesus Had Dirty Hands"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Through Your Body and Your Blood, make me one with You, one with Your Body of Christ, and one in ministry to all the world until I feast with You at Your heavenly banquet in final victory. 

"Now before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father. Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.... Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off His outer robe, and tied a towel around Himself. Then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around Him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to Him, 'Lord, are You going to wash my feet?' Jesus answered, 'You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.' Peter said to Him, 'You will never wash my feet.' Jesus answered, 'Unless I wash you, you have no share with Me.' Simon Peter said to Him, 'Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!' Jesus said to him, 'One who has bathed does not need to wash, except for the feet, but is entirely clean. And you are clean, though not all of you.' For He knew who was to betray Him; for this reason He said, 'Not all of you are clean' " (John 13:1-11).

Lord Jesus, though You are One with Father and One with the Holy Spirit, You set aside the glory of Heaven to humble Yourself in the likeness of human flesh and blood. And before You humbled Yourself to be betrayed and rejected and crucified by the human flesh and blood You created, You humbled Yourself to wash the dirty, smelly, unclean feet of Your disciples. No wonder Peter could hardly bear the thought of his Messiah, the Son of God, down on His knees washing his feet.

Lord Jesus, help me grasp the humility of Your nature. Though You are the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the exact image and very Word of God, with all power and authority in Your hands, You would humble Yourself with Your holy hands to wash the dirty feet of human flesh.

Your disciples couldn't fully understand what we still have trouble fully understanding as Your disciples today that You are our example in every way. Just as You laid down Your life for Your friends as an example of Your love, we are to lay down our lives in sacrificial love for one another. Just as You washed their feet as an example of Your humility, we "ought to wash one another's feet" (v. 14). "Servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them. If (we) know these things, (we) are blessed if (we) do them" (v. 16).

Lord, help me learn and embrace Your example. You are my "Teacher and Lord" (v. 13). Help me learn to follow in Your steps as Your disciple. Though You've made me clean though Your sacrifice on the cross, you created my hands to get dirty, as I continue Your ministry of humility and love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, I pray you will be filled with the humility and love of Jesus today, as you follow Him as your example. I pray that you will intentionally set aside a time this weekend to get your “hands dirty” in ministry through real contact in the real lives of people around you.  Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends! 

Please share your reflections and questions in the comment box below. 

 Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for my family and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Thank You!  

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC 


1 Comment

"Saved To Be Sent"


"Saved To Be Sent"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Put Your thoughts in my mind and Your desires in my heart to lead me in Your ways today--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God. 

"When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.' After He said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.' When He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them. 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained'" (John 20:19-23).

Jesus, just as the Father sent You to us, now You send us to those in our communities. Just as the Father sent You to proclaim the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God, so You send us to declare the same Gospel.  You send us in the same authority and the power of Your Holy Spirit as God sent You.

As You are, so are we to be in this world (1 John 4:17). We are the "body of Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:27). We are filled with the "Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9). And now we continue the "ministry of Christ" through our lives for Your glory in Your name (Romans 16:13;  Matthew 28:18-20).  All who truly believe in You will continue to honor and obey You by doing the works that You do in the same power of the Holy Spirit You had when You walked this earth (John 14:12). "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.... He went about doing good and healing all were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him" (Acts 10:38).

Though You were crucified, buried, raised from the death, and ascended into heaven, You are with us always (Matthew 28:20). Your Spirit--"Spirit of Jesus Christ"-- is with us and within us (Philippians 1:19). As the Father sent You, so You continue to send us--in Your Spirit, in Your power, in Your name. In obedience to you call I reply, Here I am, Lord. Send me today. Social distancing has not closed down our opportunities to share the Gospel. You said the gates of hell would not prevail against your Church and neither will the challenges in life today. All the other institutions and businesses have adapted to function and get their message out into the world, The Church must do so as well. And since we, you and I, are The Church, you and I are called to adapt and use all the means of communications available to us: in person, phone, text, email, social media and others to share the good news of the Gospel into a world desperate for good news. Now is not the time for voices speaking this good news to go silent, but to get louder!. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, I pray as you walk I the door to begin your work week in obedience of your risen Lord Jesus, you say “Send Me” this morning and share His Gospel with boldness, faith and joy everywhere and to everyone possible as the Lord sends you in His Spirit, in His power, and in His name, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends! 

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC 


I could use your financial support for One Direction Community, my family, and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please commit in 2023 to partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.

Thank You!


St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer


St. Patrick's Breastplate Prayer

Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, here with me now and in every moment of my day. 

"For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard" (Isaiah 52:12).

You're the God who goes before me. You're the God who comes behind me. You're the God who's always with me, even within me--never leaving me, never forsaking me, but forever seeing me, knowing me, and understanding me, even with all my quirks and needs, even with all my sins and failures. You're the God who created me and loves me and has plans for me that will come to pass, all in Your way and all in Your time. You are God and You are good and You are a good God to me.

So I don't have to worry about what lies ahead, and I don't have to worry about what's left behind. You've already been there, just like You'll always be there. My part is to simply trust in You and embrace Your mercy and love for me. As I do, there's joy in the journey and anticipation in the adventure; there's peace in every step and there's hope in every challenge. You've already gone before me and You remind me every day it's a good place You've prepared and set before me (John 14:1-3). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

 Im honor of St. Patrick’s Day here is one on favorite prayers. Read it over yourself and your family this morning and over the weekend.

Sant Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer 

(The term breastplate refers to a piece of armor worn in battle.)

I arise today 
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.

I arise today, through
God's strength to pilot me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.

I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

Please share your thoughts and experiences on fasting in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

Please commitment to partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.  Thank You!



"Why Am I Doing This?"


"Why Am I Doing This?"

At the Waffle House yesterday I was sitting next to a man at the low bar and we entered into a conversation.  And as new conversations usually go, the questions of “What do you do?” and in the south “Where do you go to church?” came up.  I told the man I am a pastor and I am called to try to intsil a network of house churches or simple churches.  He asked me to tell him more, Why I am doing this?  What fears/challenges I face?  What have I learned.  My personal response to him in my conversation went along this line.

My heart was opened to the “new” the more my heart and my understanding was exposed to the old.  The more I understood, embraced and began to imitate not what the church has currently morphed into, but what the church morphed out of.  It is a call to not start something “new”, but to go “old school.” I came to the greater realization that Christianity and discipleship is not about imitating a religion, but imitating a person, namely Jesus Christ.  So my plant is not called to try to conform to and imitate current church models, but it is called to conform to and imitate Christ.

And what scares me is so much of doing the new does not depend upon me.  Trying to establish a church that is full of people is not hard. I have succeeded in that.  Stepping out of that and to try to establish a church that is full of the Spirit of God is much, much more difficult.  Establishing a church that is full of people takes an art.  And I am good at that art.  It takes having a strong personality and a little bit of an ego.  It takes focusing on the art of entertainment, worship production, the celebrity factor, and tailoring programs for youth and consumers. Giving them what they want. I can create and control all this. 

Establishing a church that is full of the Spirit of God though takes unction and the anointing, and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. It takes so much out of my control and places it in the Holy Spirit’s control.  Its establishment does not come about through reliance and trusting in my means, but reliance on and practicing of the means of grace. 

Doing the “new” has changed me in many different areas of my life and walk as a disciple of Christ.

Personally, it has really solidified to me in a convicting way as I strive to place discipleship, and making disciples who make disciples at the core of my “new” ministry  to personally answer this question, “Am I a disciple worth multiplying?” God does not desire to multiply mediocrity.  He desires to multiply those who exhibit immediate, radical, costly, obedience.  Discipleship is the act and process of modeling and conforming yourself to Christ.  I have come to understand that there is no “easy button” to achieve this, to become or make a disciple.  It requires reading Scripture more than I ever have before, praying more than I ever have before, and being openly accountable to others in the body more than I ever have been before.  How I become or “make” a disciple is simple, but it is not easy.  If I am not willing to consistently embrace and model this, then I cannot effectively lead others to become disciples.  For I cannot lead them to a place I myself am not willing to go.  And no program, training, technique or tool I try to use can replace lack of obedience.  Am I a disciple worth multiplying?

It has changed my focus from being able to say that I am a Christian, to being able to say I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. In the understanding of the early church saying both would be redundant, but in today’s church’s understanding, I do not believe that is true anymore.

If I am wearing a golf shirt and someone comes up to me and says, “So you are a golfer.”  I would immediately reply,” no, I am not a golfer, I like to go out and hit them once in a while and try to get round in or two a month, but I am not a golfer.  I realize and understand the difference between a being a true golfer and a person who occasionally plays a round of golf.   The commitment to spending hours daily on the driving range, being mentored by a trainer, time required refining my game on the practice green and on the course that is required to call yourself a golfer.  The same is true if I played occasionally in a touch football league, I would not call myself a football player.  Or if I played a few months a year in a Saturday morning church basketball league. I would say I like to I am a basketball player, but I honestly could not define myself as a basketball player.

Yet if someone saw me with a crucifix around my neck or on a bracelet on my wrist and asked me if I am a Christian, I automatically without thought reply, “Yes I am.”  As most Christians do.  I do not differentiate like I do with everything else in life if I am truly a Christian, a disciple of Christ, or if I am someone, like the person who plays an occasional round of golf, who is playing around occasionally with Christianity.  And I guess you can get away with going to church once a week, reading the Bible occasionally, praying only when I am sick or my transmission goes out in my car, have not led anyone into a saving relationship with Christ in years, and still look that person in the eye and say I am a Christian.  But I cannot look them in the eye and say I am a disciple of Jesus.  Because then my understanding of what the difference in the level of commitment to time spent in prayer, the Word, accountability, and the “all in” deep deep zeal and love for God and love my neighbors making disciples and baptizing them,  to call myself a disciple of Jesus comes into play.  My daily commitment now since doing the new is not on being able to answer yes when asked if I am a Christian, but being able to answer yes if I am a disciple of Jesus.

For my family and I, ODC’s “new” format of simple house churches we call Discipleship Communities being at the core of our collective church has changed our understanding of what and where “church” exists.  Our church meets in our home, so our home is church.  It is eroded the distinction of “this is what we do at church” and “this what we do at home outside of church.”  It is in our living room that worship and prayer takes place.  It is at our dining room table that the Lord’s Supper is celebrated and shared.  Bible teaching comes from a sofa and not a pulpit as part of a shared and collective teaching, not a lecture.   This means that the “buffer” zone that separates how you act in church and how you act outside of church is also removed.  If I share in the Lord’s Supper at my dining room table, then walk into the kitchen and slip into a harsh conversation with my wife, the contrast and hypocrisy is immediately recognized and blatant to everyone in the home.  It forces our family to deal with those tensions more than ever before. The space of time between deeper revelation of the Gospel and fuller implementation of the Gospel is steps from the dining room table or sofa.

My family, Lent is a time of personal reflection as we move towards the Cross and Easter.  I pray this morning and during this Lent season you are led to reflect on a basic questions the goes beyond “Am I a Christian?”, to “Am I a disciple of Jesus?”   Would Jesus say you are His disciple?” in Jesus’ name.  Please pray the same for me.  God bless you my friends!

Please share your reflections and questions in the comment box below. 

 Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for my family and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Thank You!  


Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC 


" Light Shines Out Of Darkness"


" Light Shines Out Of Darkness"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Fill me with Your Spirit and lead me in Your ways, here at the start and throughout the moments of my day.  ... 

"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus' sake. For it is the God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). 

Your Word calls our spiritual enemy "the god of this world" who" has blinded the minds of the unbelievers" -- those who do not believe "the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." And "the god of this world" is at the source of the evil of this world. You called him "the ruler of this world" (John 14:30). Bur Your Word encourages us to not lose heart when we see his evil work of deception and destruction, but to rise up in faith:  "Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your faith..." (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Jesus, one way we resist him, steadfast in our faith, is by letting Your light shine in our hearts. Give us a love for those who are deceived. Move us to intercede for them instead of condemn them, that their eyes will be opened to the truth -- "the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." Stir in our hearts to pray for those who persecute us, to bless those who curse us, to love those who hate us (Matthew 5:44). Break the blindness from their minds to know the truth who will set them free (John 8:32).

With Easter on the horizon, this is not a time to fear, but to arise in faith. This is not a time to lose heart, but to be stirred in our hearts to pray as warriors into the great contrast between the light and the dark, between good and evil, between the kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of God. 

As You explained long ago, both light and darkness, both good and evil, are all growing to full maturity at the end of this age -- "to grow together until the harvest" (Matthew 13:24). Let us be encouraged when we see these things coming of age in our day -- the time of a great harvest is near! (Mathew 13:39)

You are "not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). And You will use this ever-increasing contrast of the light and the dark, the good and the evil, to expose the deception of the ruler of this age so that all can see the truth and know the One who is the truth -- "the Way, and the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:6).

So give us Your harvest perspective. Give us Your kingdom perspective. In the midst of this darkness, in the midst of this coronavirus cloud when people are looking for a ray of light and hope, as we hold fast to our faith let the light of Your glory shine through our faces and move powerfully through our prayers and presence in our communities, "the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of (our) Father" (Matthew 13:43).

Yesterday evening I handed out food at the Manna House to those impacted by the corona virus. Many of them were unbelievers who I had an opportunity to pray with that I never would have encountered without the virus. Holy Week reminds us that the whole earth was Jesus’ harvest field. The world was sick and over run with the pandemic of sin which had a 100% death rate. His own saving blood was the cure poured into the world as we were vaccinated from sin in His crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension. In Jesus' name. Amen.

My family,I pray that in this harvest time, the light of the glory of God will increasingly shine through your face and your prayers to expose the darkness of deception and bring many to faith in the One who is the Truth.   Pray for Jesus to reveal to you the fields you are to pour yourself into and how you can aide in the harvest, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and questions in the comment box below. 

 Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for my family and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Thank You!  

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC





"Extravagant Sower"


"Extravagant Sower"

Good morning Jesus, I begin my day opening my heart to allow you to pour your blood of the love, grace and mercy into my life.

“A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock, and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.” As he said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Luke 8:5-8)

If you have been in the church for awhile, you probably heard many sermons on this text.  They all focus on the different soils, which result in Sermons focus on which heart conditions which are yours:

Are you that thorny hearted person?

Are you that Rocky or Shallow hearted person?

Are you the hard hearted person?

Are you the good soiled hearted person?

Well if I took a spiritual snap shot of your heart right now, a spiritual  photo, I guess it could be true that at this moment perhaps your heart is hardened now on some point or another.  Or you may have a rocky heart, or a thorny, choking heart now, or a good heart now.

But life is not a static snap shot is it, it is a moving picture.  There are times in our lives that we can’t hear God’s word, sometime we won’t hear it.  Some times we hear it, and we lose it.  There are times that anxieties and fears choke it.  Sometimes we receive it with Joy.. 

When I hear this parable and read the story about the seed that falls on the path and is eaten up, when I hear it I say to myself, That’s me!

When I hear about the story of how the seed fell on rocky places and there was shallowness, and the first time, persecution or suffering comes they fell away I say to myself: That’s me too.

When I hear the story about how one receives the Word and lets the worries of the world and materialism choke it away, I say to myself: That’s me too.

And when I hear the story of the seed falling on the good soil and it produces fruit 30x, 60x, 100x, I say to myself: Praise God that’s me too!!! Because in so many ways these soil represents various times in my life.

Yet this parable has never been called the parable of the soils.  It is of the sower. It is a parable about the sower.  God is sowing his seed into the world, his sowing was behind all the past saints, and behind the present and future saints, and behind you and me, sowing into the world!

The real story is: That God’s sowing is more consistent than the Devil’s snatching. His sowing is more powerful than the devil’s eating. His sowing is more enduring than the devil’s tribulation. His sowing is more persistent then the devil’s choking. The real good news of this parable is that God is the great extravagant sower in all the world, including you and me.

My family, I do not know what the snap-shot condition of the soil of your heart looks like this morning. However, I pray you open your heart, open your Bible, open your hands in prayer, and receive the seeds of love, grace, mercy and hope your Father, the extravagant sower, who is madly in love with you wants to sow into your life today.  In Jesus’ name.  Please pray the same for me.  God bless you my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.


Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

You Can Help!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for reaching with the Gospel those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.

Thank You!  

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC




"We Cannot Afford To Be A People Of Small Faith"

1 Comment

"We Cannot Afford To Be A People Of Small Faith"

Good morning Lord Jesus, I begin my day seeking more of you.

     If your plans are not intimidating to you, they are insulting to God.  Because your plans are simply those you know you can do, not those that require God to do for you. God delights and honors big faith. God delights and multiplying those of big faith.  Faith that is exhibited in and through Immediate Radical Costly Obedience (IRCO.) We cannot afford to be a people of small faith.

A faith that is not altered or affected by how things end for us in this side of Glory. You do have those who’s great faith ended happily in this world, on this side of glory; Daniel's deliverance from the lion's den in Dan. 6 and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego being saved from the fiery furnace Dan. 3,  And you have those mentioned in Hebrews 11:17-35a

“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son, of whom it was said, “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back. By faith Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau. By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff. By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones.

By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they saw that the child was beautiful, and they were not afraid of the king's edict. By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward. By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible. By faith he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them.

By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days. By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.

And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets— who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. Women received back their dead by resurrection.”(Hebrews 11:17-35a)

But we can’t stop reading there, for you also have the continuation of others mentioned in Hebrews 11:35b-40. For them, it shows that though they had the same great faith, It does not always end in a happy ending in this world, on this side of glory.

 “Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, so that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword. They went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, afflicted, mistreated— of whom the world was not worthy—wandering about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.”

You have the story in Acts chapter 7 of the stoning of Stephen. Or we read in Acts chapter 12 how Peter was arrested. The church came together prayed for Peter and he was miraculously set free. In Acts chapter 12 we read James is also arrested.  The same church came together and prayed for James in the same power of the Holy Spirit that they prayed for Peter, yet James was beheaded.  

How the story turns out on earth has nothing to do with whether God is glorified or not.  It may not have a happy ending on this side, but on the other side God is glorified. But whether it turns out happy or sad by earthly standards, cannot take away or hinder the glory that comes from big faith. God delights and honors that faith.  All those listed, whether in the first or second half of Hebrews 11 were admitted into God’s Hall of Fame.  They did not gain entrance into his hall of fame by how their life ended, but how their life was lived.  They all were admitted because of their big faith exhibited through Immediate Radical Costly Obedience.  God delights and multiplying that kind of faith.  Faith that is exhibited in IRCO. You get in God's hall of fame through big faith exhibited in IRCO

Look at Caleb and Joshua’s story and actions in their entering into Canna found in Numbers chapter 13.  They are not looking at the problems; they are looking at their big God with big faith.  Without a faith like this we pray for everything man can do but not for what only God can do. We have to be obedient to him if we want to see him at work. 

I keep coming back to the same question as I sit here, “Do I exhibit my love for him in a big faith exhibited through immediate, radical, costly obedience?”

My family, I pray you spend time today and again this weekend reading these stories of big faith found in Daniel chapters 3 and 6, Hebrews 11:17-40, Acts chapters 7 and 12, Numbers chapter 13, and others as well.  Then with the Holy Spirit take time to meditate on your level of Faith.  Are you plans intimidating to you? Do you have big faith?  In Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends.

Please share your reflections and questions in the comment box below. 

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

Help Us Help Them!

I could use you’re the gift of your financial support for my family and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support my family and ministries through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758.

Thank You!  

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC


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"Drink From His Cup"


"Drink From His Cup"

During Lent I read daily through the passion narratives in the Gospels and the sufferings and persecution Jesus endured. I also each day open Foxe’s Voices of The Martyrs and read the account of a past Christian who was Martyred for their faith. It reminds me that despite what the world believes, prosperity gospels perceive, and the comfort that western Sunday church services try to achieve, there is a cost to our faith.

“About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. He killed James the brother of John with the sword, and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also… “ vs.12:1-3

 Jesus told James in Mark 10:39 when James told Jesus he was “all in” and wanted to be a leader in His church, “All right James, you would drink from His cup and share in his “Baptism.”  James probably walked away thinking happily to himself, “Yes! I am going to drink the cup and share in the baptism of Jesus!” All of his disciples ended up drinking from his cup and shared in His baptism.

 Persecution and suffering of the Disciples


·      Peter: A Fire in Rome, under Nero, He blamed Christians and began persecuting them.  In 60AD, Peter, was crucified.  He is stated to have said he was not worthy to be crucified the same way as Jesus and asked to be crucified upside down. He was crucified with praise coming from his lips


·      James: Son of Zebedee, faithful, and he was beheaded for his faith. The martyrdom of James is recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, in Acts 12:1-2. He was executed, with a sword, by order of King Herod Agrippa I in the year 44 AD:


·      Phillip: "He labored diligently in Upper Asia, and suffered martyrdom at Heliopolis, in Phrygia. He was scourged, thrown into prison as a crippled, and afterwards crucified, A.D. 54."


·      Matthew: served in Parathia and Ethiopia, among the cannibals. In the latter country he suffered martyrdom, being slain with a halberd in the city of Nadabah, A.D. 60."


·      Andrew: the bashful brother of Peter, he did not end up bashful.  He became a missionary to many lands.  He was the first missionary to Russia, The cythians, probably the most barbaric people of the first century. Andrew might have been martyred in Achaia or Patrae, both of which are places in the western part of Greece. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "It is generally agreed that he was crucified by order of the Roman Governor, Aegeas or Aegeates, at Patrae in Achaia. Taken under arrest and scourged by 7 men with rods. And then he was bound, not nailed, to the cross, in order to prolong his sufferings. The cross on which he suffered is commonly held to have been an X shaped cross, the decussate cross, now known as St. Andrew's Cross. When Andrew was brought to the cross he replied to the cross, “Oh precious cross.  Thou has been consecrated by the body of my Lord, adorned with his limbs, I come to thee exalting and glad.  Receive me into thy arms.  That he who redeemed me by thee, may receive me on thee.”  And he was crucified. His martyrdom took place during the reign of Nero, on 30 November, A.D. 60); and both the Latin and Greek Churches keep 30 November as his feast."


·      Thomas: Called Didymus, Doubting Thomas, no.  He preached the Gospel in Parthia and India, where exciting the rage of the pagan priests, he was imprisoned, tortured by the priests, and  martyred by being stabbed repeatedly with spears.


·      John: ministered in Ephasis for many years, founded churches in Smyrna, Loudiosia, Thia, Pergamous, Philidelphia, and others. He was Captured by the emperor who threw him into a pot of boiling oil.  Miraculously he escaped with scars. The Emperor became superstitious of him and put him on The Island of Patimous.  Haunted and hunted by enimies for his faith.  Only apostle we believe to die from natural causes.


·      Bartholomew: According to Eusebius, Christian writer who lived during the 4th Century of this era (about 1600 years ago), Bartholomew traveled to India to preach to the people there, leaving behind a copy of the Gospel of Matthew. Bartholomew was martyred by King Astyages in Armedia: He ordered the holy apostle Bartholomew to be beaten with rods; and after having been scourged, to be beheaded."


·      James son of Alphaeus: according to Foxs' Book of Martyrs, was beaten, stoned and clubbed to death.


·      Judas: Judas Iscariot was not a martyr. He killed himself after betraying Jesus.


·      Thaddeus (Jude): Jude was crucified, "The brother of James, was commonly called Thaddeus. He was crucified at Edessa, A.D. 72."


·      Simon: Surnamed Zelot, preached the Gospel in Mauritania, Africa, and even in Britain, in which latter country he was crucified, A.D. 74.

 I don’t know what your future is, and I do not know what mine is.  We may see a day when we are called to pay for our faith with our own blood. However, I know one way you can pretty well make sure you won’t be called to martyrdom. That you won’t be persecuted, that you won’t endure suffering.  How?

 Do nothing.

Continue to adhere to and follow the others idols in the world as well as Jesus.

Continue in materialism and drive new cars like everyone else, but put an Ichtus on the rear bumper.

Continue To build and live in nice, comfortable homes that conform to your neighbors, with a fenced in back decks to keep them out, but hang a cross on an interior wall.

Continue to invest, in wear, and advertise name brands to show people you are as materialistic as they are:Coach, Michel Kors, Calvin Klien, …ect, but wear a cross under your shirt. (of course it will be gold)

Continue to believe that “church” is a building and being a “disciple of Christ” simply means attending that building once a week.

Continue in to be silent in conversations when Christ is being mocked or sin is being exhalted.

Continue to be silent in sharing or talking about Jesus to your co-workers, classmates, family, and friends.

Continue to turn you head and cling to your resources when confronted with injustice, starvation, homelessness, and suffering in the world and your neighborhood.

 If You continue to do all this, I can almost guarantee you will never be persecuted or suffer for your faith.

 But then nothing will ever come of your faith.

 Everyone of those who were martyred Exhibited Immediate Costly Radical Obedience (IRCO).

Everyone of those who were martyred, were active in their faith.

Everyone who died was an “all in” disciple of Christ.

Everyone who was martyred COULD HAVE AVOIDED IT!

None had to die!  None had to go through Persecution or suffering for their faith.

Everyone that did, went through it because they knew Jesus is worthy of it.

 Hypothetical question:

If Jesus in some way spoke to you and told you the name of someone you did not know, and that person did not Jesus, was lost, unsaved, and was going to spend eternity in hell.   And Jesus said He wanted to use you, and could use you to bring him into a saving relationship with Him, but it would cost you your life, would you lay down your life?  How about if it was a bus full of people?  What about a city full of people? How about a lost family member?  If Jesus said you are blessed, because by your suffering, persecution and laying down your life this person or persons are going to enter the kingdom of God for all eternity.  Would you be excited and praise God, or step back in horror?

 It comes down to the struggle of loyalty to the world, and the Kingdom of Heaven. We say this is not our home, that God is better than anything: our health, our wealth, our reputation, our lives; but when pressed, we hesitate, we back down, we have to think about it.

 The Apostle Peter was bold and brash disciple of Christ.  He proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, he drew a sword and cut off a man’s ear in the garden trying to protect Jesus.  But when he was faced with the possibility of persecution and suffering for his faith, he bailed and three times he denied his faith. He chose life and his personal comfort over his character and life with Christ. Because if Peter did not deny Jesus, he knew there was a really good chance there would have been four crosses on the hillside the next morning. 

 Yet a few weeks later The Acts of the Apostles in chapter two, Peter boldly, in the face of great persecution and suffering, openly declared his faith and shared the Gospel of Christ and thousands came to faith in Christ.  As we also read, He with joy received beatings and imprisonment for his faith.   And he was crucified upside down, joyously for his faith.  What changed in him?  What instilled in him the complete understanding that God is worthy of all and any suffering he might endure for his faith?   The power and indwelling of the Holy Spirit that Jesus breathed into him.  As bold, strong and determined as Peter was in his flesh, in and by his flesh alone he was too weak to stand firm in the face of persecution.  And what is true of Peter, is true for me and you.

 My family, I pray you come to understand we cannot on our own, no matter how religious we may try to become or what restrictions we place on ourselves in our flesh, without the indwelling of and pushing deeper into and receiving of the Holy Spirit personally into our lives, form a heart and soul that truly trusts, risks all, obeys all, and believes that God is worthy of all and any suffering and persecution we may endure for our faith, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

 Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.

Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC


"Our God Hears"

1 Comment

"Our God Hears"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. First thing in the morning, I turn to You first -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God. I seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, that You may set things right in me and set the right path before me in all the steps of my day (Matthew 6:33). ...

My heart is full of gratitude today. Yesterday morning You gave such a strong sense that You were moving mightily on our behalf to confront our world-wide crisis. I strongly sensed You were calling me and so many to humbly pray for the tide to turn and to boldly proclaim in faith that that the tide had turned. And while we may yet have a long way to go to see manifested on earth what You have done in heaven in response to the prayers of Your people around the world, we are seeing some rays of hope, some glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel. We are hearing some good news of Your grace on some major fronts in the battle. And I give You all glory and honor and praise!

Ultimately, regardless of what the world says, You have the final say. And what You have to say for us is always, ultimately good: "For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, for your welfare and not for harm, to give a future with hope. Then when you call upon Me and come and pray to Me, I will hear you. When you search for Me, you will find Me; if you seek Me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

We have a ways to go to get through this, but You are with us and You are for us and You will get us through this. If God be for us, what can stand against us (Romans 8:31). You will turn this all around for us in ways we can't yet see or even imagine (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 3:20). You're the God who hears and who answers! "To my God, I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice!" (Psalm 18:6)

"I love You, O Lord, my Strength.

The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer,

my God, my Rock in whom I take refuge,

my Shield, and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold.

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,

so shall I be saved from my enemies.

The cords of death encompassed me;

the torrents of perdition assailed me;

the cords of Sheol entangled me; 

the snares of death confronted me.

In my distress I called upon the Lord; 

to my God I cried for help.

From His temple He heard my voice,

and my cry to Him reached His ears....

The Lord also thundered in the heavens,

and the Most High uttered His voice! ...

He reached down from on high, he took me; 

He drew me out of mighty waters

He delivered me from my strong enemy,

And from those who hated me;

for they were too mighty for me.

They confronted me in the day of my calamity; 

but the Lord was my Support,

He brought me out into a broad place;

He delivered me, because He delighted in me!"

(Psalm 18:1-19)

Thank You for hearing. Thank You for answering. Thank You for continuing to move mightily on our behalf. Thank You for giving us grace to persist in prayer and proclamation in the authority of Your name until we see the fullness of Your answers manifested on earth as they are in heaven (Mark 11:22-24; Matthew 6:10). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!

My family, may you be encouraged and strengthened in your faith and hope today, trusting in our God who hears us and answers us, who is moving mightily on behalf of us, in some ways we see and in so many ways we don't even see, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.

Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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"Turn The Tide"

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"Turn The Tide"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. I welcome You here in my heart and every moment of my day -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God. Now I listen for Your leading in trusting surrender and expectant faith from the deep communion of prayer. ... 

This morning I woke up and in my heart I believe Your Spirit is rising up in my spirit with these strong words: "Turn the tide. Turn the tide. Turn the tide. The tide turns now!" ...

Father, You're the Lord of the tide. You set the boundaries of the tides of the sea. You said to the sea, "This far and no more." And You continue to speak in Your sovereignty, "This far and no more" to all that would seek to overwhelm us. We believe it's Your will, according to Your Word, that You desire to set our boundaries in pleasant places so that our hearts are glad, our spirits rejoice, and we can rest secure in You (Psalm 16:6-11).

In humility we pray, and in boldness we proclaim. In humility we listen for Your word, and in boldness we speak it forth in the authority of Your name.

Lord Jesus, You taught us these principles of prayer and proclamation in Your Word: "Jesus answered them, 'Have faith in God. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you. So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours'" (Mark 11:22-24).

  This is how You turn the tide of whatever comes against us that's less than Your will for us. This is how Your turn it all around for our good and Your glory. As You said in the very next verse of Your Word: "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Lord Jesus, You're the One who taught us to pray and to proclaim in agreement and authority. "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there among you" (Matthew 18:18-20).

In this hour, when all over the world people feel afraid and overwhelmed by the merciless tides that seek to destroy us in our health, our economy, war, terrorism, riots, inflation, our sense of security, justice and peace, our joy and even our faith, You are giving us wisdom and strategies to overcome. Together we reach out in love in the ways You lead. And together we also pray and proclaim in the ways You lead.

Together we pray for wisdom, ingenuity, and inventions to create preventions and cures, vaccinations against viruses, medical breakthroughs and miraculous interventions. And at the same time, we pray and proclaim, in both humility and boldness, in unity and the authority of Your name by the leading of Your Spirit:

"Turn the tide. Turn the tide. Turn the tide. The tide turns now!"

 You're the One who is stirring us up in our spirits as "the Body of Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:27), giving us "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16), and filling us up "the Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9; Ephesians 5:18). You're the One who desires to come and inspire our hope and heal our land as we turn to You (2 Chronicles 7:14).

If we see the miracle of a moment, we thank You and praise You! If we see the miracle of many moments in the unfolding of time as You keep moving us in persistence in prayer and persistence in proclamation, we thank You and praise You!

By the power of Your grace working in us, "we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). We keep praying, we keep proclaiming, "Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). We keep believing in confidence, expectancy, and trust the promise of Your Word: "And this is the boldness we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of Him" (1 John 5:14-15). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, may you turn to God in humility and faith, may you turn to our world in boldness and authority, to pray and proclaim with me "Turn the tide. Turn the tide. Turn the tide. The tide turns now! in Jesus' name." God bless you, my friends!

 Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.

Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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"There is Only One Thing"


"There is Only One Thing"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me start this day and every day embraced by my Father, centered in Christ the Son, and filled with Your Holy Spirit.  ...

"Now as they went on their way, He entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha, welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to what He was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to Him and asked, 'Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.' But the Lord answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42)

Martha was so sure of Your answer she didn't even wait to hear it. She asked, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?"  She didn't wait to hear what You would say. because she assumed You would be saying, "Yes. Martha, You're right and Mary is wrong. Mary, stop being lazy and get to work and quit wasting your time sitting at My feet and listening to Me." Martha just went right on with her assumption and added, "Tell her then to help me."

But You did not tell Martha she was right or tell Mary to help Martha. No, instead You defended Mary. In fact, You insisted that what she had in those moments of waiting and listening in the intimacy of Your Presence would "not be taken away from her." Incredibly, You didn't just say it was the best thing she could be doing or the most honoring or most effective thing she could be doing. You said "There is need of only one thing."

So before I go about the work that surrounds me today, before I get busy doing all the things that need to be done, I choose to embrace Your truth that "There is need of only one thing." And by the grace of God, it was not be taken from me. In fact, I believe You insist upon it.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family,I pray you will embrace the truth and the invitation of Jesus that there is need of only one thing, as you begin your day in the intimate presence of the Lord, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. I have to smile as I write these words this morning. II did not get in from Birmingham until after Midnight last night. I have to go to Manna House early this morning where I volunteer unloading trucks of food they will give out to around 900 plus people this week. Laying in bed hearing my alarm I almost convinced myself to hit “snooze,” skip my morning devotion time, and stay in bed and sleep. " In my heart and knew I needed get up and take the time for “There is only one thing".” That my devotion time sitting at the feet of Jesus with my Bible on my lapt is not a chore, but that it is a gift of God that would not be taken from me. Thank you for joining with me in my daily journey of prayer and listening fo God. I pray it encourages you as you begin your day :There is only one thing” you need to do. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us on this blog in the comment box below.

Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC

Email: garyl@onedirection.community


Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC





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Good morning Lord Jesus, you are my sanctuary this morning, fill me so I can pour out into others.

During this season of Lent we find our self in now, we reflect on our identity in Christ. Though the means of grace of fasting, prayer, searching the Scriptures, and self reflection we recenter our identity in Christ. Our personal identity is also an important part of our process of becoming a disciple. All of us need to look at how we identify ourselves and those we are discipling to discern what is influencing and at the core of our/their identity.

Luke 4:1-13 contains the story of Jesus’s temptation by Satan in the Desert.  The temptations Jesus faced in the desert were the same that Adam and Israel faced, and that we face as well.  Any discipleship process you are in or you lead people through that does not lead people into the desert to look at their identity and deal with core temptations in their life is missing a huge part.

Luke 4:1-13, Satan questions Jesus’ identity

4:3-4 First temptation: Appetite. Filling our needs and satisfaction, Satan tells Jesus to turn the stone into bread. This is the temptation to become your own provider that can meet all your own needs. We are tempted to become our one provider, but what we provide ourselves is so lacking compared to what God can provide. You can struggle on both sides of this temptation.  Becoming my own provider can lead to the extremes of selfishness and greed, or it can lead to neglecting your self through the extremes of Gluttony on one side or anorexia at the other.  The temptation of appetite produces a consumer identity motivated by fear that says, “I will never have enough.” (look at our current crises: toilet paper, baby food…)

4:5-8 Second temptation: Ambition:  To have the kingdom without the cross.  The temptation to get to a justified end by any mean possible.   The two sides and symptoms of Ambition are Workaholism or laziness.  The drive to “I must win at any cost” or the resignation of  “I don’t care.” The temptation of ambition creates unhealthy competition with guilt at its source that “I will never accomplish enough.” 

4:9-12 Third temptation: Approval: Acceptance and rejection,   Satan’s temptation was for Jesus to become the messiah that everyone wanted him to be, instead of the misunderstood savior God had created him to be.  Your temptation is to become the person that everyone wants you to be, instead of the person God has created you to be. The two sides and symptoms of Approval are a person who feels they needs constant approval or a person who feels they needs no one. The temptation of approval creates a “celebrity” identity motivated by shame that “I will never be enough”

Psalm 106:13 reflecting on Israel’s time in the desert states,

“They quickly forgot what he had done;

they did not wait for his instructions.

In the wilderness they had an insatiable craving for meat;

they challenged God in the desert.”


You need to deal with the core issues of temptation in your life. 

You need to understand what Jesus defeated personally in the desert, he defeated permanently for you in the cross.  He became the temptations and took them through the cross. “ For God accomplished what the law could not do for it was weakened through the flesh, by sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and concerning sin, He condemned sin in the flesh so that the righteous requirements of the law would be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh, but assorting to the Spirit.” Roman 8. The temptations Jesus defeated permanently allows you to defeat them permanently.. The same power that raised Christ from the dead now lives in you.

My family, I pray you will read Luke 4:1-13.  Then I spend time allowing the Holy Spirit to be your “mirror” and reveal your identity.  We all have one of these temptations we struggle with more than the others. What is the main temptation to your identity?

Appetite: I will never have enough, motivated by fear.

Ambition: I will never accomplish enough, motivated by guilt.

Approval: I will never be enough, motivated by shame

How do you think that temptation may be presenting itself in your life?

Ask the Holy Spirit to cover you with the blood of Jesus for His saving works on the cross and receive it, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for mee. God bless you my friends!

Please post your reflections, questions, or prayer requests over your identity in the comments box below.

  Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC          


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Good morning, Lord Jesus. Help me start this day and every day embraced by my Father, centered in Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Yesterday morning I sat in the Waffle House and “Chuck,” walked in! You may remember Chuck from my blog post 5 1/2 years ago.t, “He’s My F*cking Pastor.”  If you did not read the post, you need to stop and read it. Here is the link to it: https://www.onedirection.community/conversations/2017/7/14/hes-my-fcking-pastor

Chuck had moved away and came back to visit some friends. We sat at the bar and he told me tabout his life since the death of his son. He teared up one or twice ass he told me of the struggles his son’s two children had going forward without their father.  How his wife still can’t get the video in her head of witnessing her son’s death to stop playing.  And he shared of his continued pain.  Chuck said his son always wore one type of cologne.  And he said I know its crazy Gary, but I swear I smell his cologne many times and in different places and it makes me turn around and look for him.  We talked for another 45 minutes, and Chuck even let me pray with him at the end! Amazing!  His return journey to a relationship with Jesus is slow, as he still has a lot of baggage he is carrying.  However, he is releasing it little by little, and I am so proud of him. I gave him an extra Lent devotion book I had in my car our church is reading through.I prayed God would make a river in his dessert. And I will simply pray and wait.

God, You're the one who makes a way where there seems to be no way. And while You're making a way, You call me to wait. And though I struggle in my passion to wait,  it's in the waiting that I'm learning to trust You and allow You to make the way in Your wisdom, Your power, and Your timing. It's in the waiting that I'm learning to "trust in the (You) with all (my) heart, and lean not on (my) own understanding; in all (my) ways acknowledge (You), and (You) shall direct (my) paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

So as best as I can and all by Your grace, I choose to wait for You to make a way in the places where I look but can't see a way. Open the eyes of my heart to see the One who is the Way -- "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:6). W ith my eyes on You, with my heart set to wait on You, trusting in You, I'm choosing to believe You will make a way. And that way will be good and right and true, because it's made by You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, if you have not read my previous post I gave you the link to above, please click the link and read it. I pray you will be filled with trust and faith as you wait on God, trusting in Him with all your heart, to make a way for you in the places where there seems to be no way, in Jesus' name! Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Gary Liederbach-Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

  Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you! 

Please become a partner supporting monthly in our ministry.

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         

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Waiting in silence

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Waiting in silence

For Lent members of ODC are going through a 47 day lent devotion book based on the Temptation story of Jesus found in Luke 4:1-13. Yesterday’s reading focused on the word “Wilderness” and his Jesus often went our into isolated, quite places to pray. All throughout the Gospels, “We see him get up early go into yjr quiet places, we see him looked for and not found, because he is in a solitary place and no one is with him.”

Anyone who knows me, knows I value silence and the power of silent prayers of a people.  I begin every house church gathering, and almost every meeting or gathering with a time of communal silent prayer.

 C.S. Lewis’s book “The Screwtape Letters” is a book that reveals the correspondence between Screwtape, the under-secretary to the devil, and his nephew, Wormwood.  Screwtape instructs Wormwood on the best ways to tempt the followers of the Enemy, God.  I love and I am convicted by this passage from the book where Screwtape, in presenting the Devil’s mindset, (the “Father” in the passage) explains to Wormwood his hate of silence.

“My dear Wormwood: Music and silence–how I detest them both! How thankful we should be that ever since our Father entered Hell–though longer ago than humans, reckoning in light years, could express, no square inch of infernal space and no moment of infernal time has been surrendered to either of those abominable forces, but all has been occupied by Noise–Noise, the grand dynamism, the audible expression of all that is exultant, ruthless, and virile–Noise which alone defends us from silly qualms, despairing scruples, and impossible desires. We will make the whole universe a noise in the end. We have already made great strides in this direction as regards the Earth. The melodies and silences of Heaven will be shouted down in the end. But I admit we are not yet loud enough, or anything like it. Research is in progress.”

 I dig deeper to try to gain understanding, purpose , plan and direction in my own life. I find this is part of God's plan for me. God is silencing everything but him   Silencing my own thought on my mind, my ears, my eyes, my heart, my lips, my tongue and all the noise around me.

Silence gives us a new outlook on everything. We need silence to be able to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and through us. Jesus is always waiting for us in silence. In that silence, he will listen to us, there he will speak to our soul, and there we will hear his voice.

 If we are careful of silence it will be easy to pray and to pray fervently. There is so much talk, so much repetition, so much carrying of tales in words and in writing. Our prayer life suffers so much because our hearts are not silent. The interior silence is very difficult, but we must make the effort to pray. In silence we will find new energy and true unity. The energy of God will be ours to do all things well, and so will the unity of our thoughts with his thoughts, the unity of our prayers with his prayers, the unity of our actions with his actions, of our life with his life. All our words will be useless unless they come from within. Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness. To make possible true interior silence, we shall practice

 Silence of the eyes, by seeking always the beauty and goodness of God everywhere, closing them to the faults of others and to all that is sinful and disturbing to the soul;

Silence of the ears, by listening always to the voice of God and to the cry of the poor and the needy, closing them to all other voices that come from the evil one or from fallen human nature: e.g., gossip, tale-bearing, and uncharitable words;

 Silence of the tongue, by praising God and speaking the life-giving Word of God that is the Truth that enlightens and inspires, brings peace, hope, and joy, and by refraining from self-defense and every word that causes darkness, turmoil, pain, and death,

Silence of the mind, by opening it to the truth and knowledge of God in prayer and contemplation, like Mary who pondered the marvels of the Lord in her heart, and by closing it to all untruths, distractions, destructive thoughts, rash judgment, false suspicions of others, revengeful thoughts, and desires,

Silence of the heart, by loving God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and one another as God loves, desiring God alone and avoiding all selfishness, hatred, envy, jealousy, and greed.

My family, I pray my words will encourage you today to seek out times of silence to allow you heart to both speak words to and receive words from the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

  Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you!

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         


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"Cross Bearers"

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"Cross Bearers"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Lead me in Your steps. 

"(Jesus) called the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, 'If any want to become My followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for My sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Indeed, what can they give in return for their life? Those who are ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them the Son of Man will also be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.' And He said to them, 'Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come with power'" (Mark 8:34-9:1).

Jesus, You called Your first disciples to "take up their cross" even before You took up Yours. That was your opening invitations to following you. And now that You've taken up Yours, Your invitation and call to every person who chooses to follow You to today is the same “Take up your cross”

We are in the season of Lent which is a season of reflecting on your saving works on the cross. It is a season to discern how we need to re-orientate our lives as cr0ss-bearers for You, so we can re-connect with You and Your resurrection. Lord Jesus, give me the courage to take up my cross and follow You. Give me the grace to willingly, obediently, and joyfully choose to lose my life for Your sake and for the sake of Your gospel. May I do my part in my generation to see Your kingdom come with power -- here in my heart and here in my world -- today and every day until You come again in the glory of the Father with the holy angels. 

Let these words be true of me as they were of Your disciple Paul:  "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is not longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:19-20). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family I pray you will find great joy and fulfillment in your journey with Jesus by taking up your cross, losing your life for His sake, and following Him into all He has for in your life.  May you carry the glory of His name in your heart into your world, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

  Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you!

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         





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"Their Hearts Are Far From Me"


"Their Hearts Are Far From Me"

Good morning, Lord Jesus.  Come into my heart and every moment of my day. 

"(Jesus) said to them, 'Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship Me, teaching human percepts as doctrines.' You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition'" (Mark 7:6-8).

Jesus, I want to hoop with you not only with my lips, but with my heart also; not only with this morning devotion and prayers, but with my choices throughout all the moments of my day also -- I worship You in spirit and in truth. May I be faithful and true from the inside out, rather than on the outside alone.

Uproot and remove in me all that is merely ritual, tradition and religion. Remove all the days I simply “talk the talk,” but fail to “walk the walk”. Give me a passionate desire and uncompromising hunger for an authentic and real relationship with You. May my actions and my heart be genuine expressions of my true faith in my one, true God. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My family, I pray your actions and your heart may be a genuine expression of your true faith in our one, true God throughout your day, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

  Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you!

You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         






Isaiah 58

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Isaiah 58

I arise today in the full blessing of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.

In my men/s Group, “Brothers, Bibles, and Beer”, last night we read through and reflected on Isaiah chapter 58. Prayer and fasting is a central part of the season of Lent. And Isaiah 58 is a core passage on God’s definition of prayer and fasting. Fasting in not a practice God wants you to enter into, but a lifestyle he wants you to embrace. So for today’s reflection I am going to let God speak to you out of the Message Bible.

Shout! A full-throated shout!
    Hold nothing back—a trumpet-blast shout!
Tell my people what’s wrong with their lives,
    face my family Jacob with their sins!
They’re busy, busy, busy at worship,
    and love studying all about me.
To all appearances they’re a nation of right-living people—
    law-abiding, God-honoring.
They ask me, ‘What’s the right thing to do?’
    and love having me on their side.
But they also complain,
    ‘Why do we fast and you don’t look our way?
    Why do we humble ourselves and you don’t even notice?’

3-5     “Well, here’s why:

“The bottom line on your ‘fast days’ is profit.
    You drive your employees much too hard.
You fast, but at the same time you bicker and fight.
    You fast, but you swing a mean fist.
The kind of fasting you do
    won’t get your prayers off the ground.
Do you think this is the kind of fast day I’m after:
    a day to show off humility?
To put on a pious long face
    and parade around solemnly in black?
Do you call that fasting,
    a fast day that I, God, would like?

6-9 “This is the kind of fast day I’m after:
    to break the chains of injustice,
    get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
    free the oppressed,
    cancel debts.
What I’m interested in seeing you do is:
    sharing your food with the hungry,
    inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
    putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
    being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
    and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
    The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
    You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’

9-12 “If you get rid of unfair practices,
    quit blaming victims,
    quit gossiping about other people’s sins,
If you are generous with the hungry
    and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out,
Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,
    your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.
I will always show you where to go.
    I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—
    firm muscles, strong bones.
You’ll be like a well-watered garden,
    a gurgling spring that never runs dry.
You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew,
    rebuild the foundations from out of your past.
You’ll be known as those who can fix anything,
    restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate,
    make the community livable again.

13-14 “If you watch your step on the Sabbath
    and don’t use my holy day for personal advantage,
If you treat the Sabbath as a day of joy,
    God’s holy day as a celebration,
If you honor it by refusing ‘business as usual,’
    making money, running here and there—
Then you’ll be free to enjoy God!
    Oh, I’ll make you ride high and soar above it all.
I’ll make you feast on the inheritance of your ancestor Jacob.”
    Yes! God says so!

(Isaiah 58, The Message)

My family, I pray as we begin our journey through the season of Lent together you will come to understand, embrace, and then comform your life to the type of fast God is calling you to live out, in Jesus’s name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

I really would love to hear your reflections, and I believe they would encourage others. So please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

Worship Gathering Today! Friday February 24th!

In my reflections on the Asbury Revival I have been saying that revival begins at home, and each of us needs to be catalysts for revival in our churches and communities. So I need to practice what I preach! This Friday February 24th at 6:30pm I am going to host a worship gathering in my backyard. I am setting up a couple tangents and a small PA in my backyard, putting out some chairs, and going to give the night to worshipping Jesus. It is going to outdoors, simple, raw and I do not know if 2 or 20 people will show up, however I need to be obedient. I you are a worship leader and would like to come join in or lead a set that night contact me at garyl@onedirection.community.com. We will see how God uses this night. My address is 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. We will worship outside so drees for the weather conditions and bring a lawn chair if you like.

Here is The link to the Facebook Event page for A Night Of Worship:


 Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you!


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         


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"The Spirit of The Lord Is Upon Me"


"The Spirit of The Lord Is Upon Me"

Good morning, Lord Jesus. Align my heart with Your heart and my will with Your will, O Lord, my God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  

"Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about Him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was His custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to Him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:  'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the bling, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.'  He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. Then He began to say to them, 'Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing'" (Luke 4:14-21).

I love this passage. Lord Jesus, You're still healing the brokenhearted and setting the captives free in the power of Your Spirit (Isaiah 61:1 fulfilled in Luke 4:18). You're still fulfilling the scroll of Scripture, the Word of God, confirming Your identity and living out Your destiny.

Just as the Father sent You in the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit, so You send us, saying "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I send you" (John 20:21). As we abide in You and You abide in us, Your Spirit flows through us in the power of Your love and grace everywhere You send us (John 15:5).

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today (Ephesians 5:18). "Here am I; send me!" (Isaiah 6:8). Send me with the character of Your nature in my heart and the authority of Your name in my words, as You make me more like You each day (Romans 8:29). In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

My familyI pray you stand in prayer and declare the Spirit of the Lord God will be upon you today and every day, as the Lord sends you to minister His love and grace with nature of Jesus in your heart and authority of His name through your words, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

I really would love to hear your reflections, and I believe they would encourage others. So please share your reflections and prayers with us in the comment box below.

Worship Gathering This Friday February 24th

In my reflections on the Asbury Revival I have been saying that revival begins at home, and each of us needs to be catalysts for revival in our churches and communities. So I need to practice what I preach! This Friday February 24th at 6:30pm I am going to host a worship gathering in my backyard. I am setting up a couple tangents and a small PA in my backyard, putting out some chairs, and going to give the night to worshipping Jesus. It is going to outdoors, simple, raw and I do not know if 2 or 20 people will show up, however I need to be obedient. I you are a worship leader and would like to come join in or lead a set that night contact me at garyl@onedirection.community.com. We will see how God uses this night. My address is 102 Champions Green Drive, Madison, Al 35758. We will worship outside so drees for the weather conditions and bring a lawn chair if you like.

Here is The link to the Facebook Event page for A Night Of Worship:

 Resolve to Help in 2023

 I want to ask you to resolve this year in partnering with my wife, myself, and One Direction Community by supporting our ministries!   We begin a new season of our ministry of pouring completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods, and having “boots on the ground” serving in our community.. Please pray over this. If you click on the link below you can easily set up a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly auto donations in the amount you desire. . We would be so grateful for your help.  You can also give a one-time donation on the same link.  Thank you!


You can mail your donation to One Direction Community P.O. Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758

Discipleship Training.

One of my passions is helping churches or small groups understand and embrace their call to be disciples of Jesus in their community. I offer and lead discipleship trainings in person and on-line. If you are interested I would love to talk to you bout it. Email me at garyl@onedirection.community.

Would you like to receive my morning devotion blog?

Email your name and email address to garyl@onedirection.community and I will add you to my ODC Daily Message distribution list to receive an email of these reflection every weekday morning.

 Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community

Email: garyl@onedirection.community

Website: https://www.onedirection.community

Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC         


