Open the eyes of my heart this morning Lord Jesus to see only you..

In those days people will seek death, but will not be able to find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.”  Revelations 9:6

If we could see in advance the consequences of our sin, no one would do it.  However, sin allures us, we feel it empowers us and that we will benefit from the sin in some way. And so we embrace it.  The first time you succumb to a a sin usually nothing happens. The sky does not fall, you get away with it, you benefit from it, it pleases you, and so you do it again.  For a certain way on that trajectory you are in control.  You hear people say, “I can stop at any time.” Yes you can, up to a point.  Yet at some point in time you pass an invisible barrier that the sin has taken control over you.  You cant say no.  It is at that point you begin to experience the torment of sin.  At that point you begin to sense the destructive dynamic of your sin, of what it is doing in your life, and you wish you could be free of it. You stop for a day or week, but then you fall back into it,  The sin has got it’s hooks in you.  

I have had people in my time in ministry come to me and talk about their sin.  Wishing they could end it, wishing they could get rid of it,  but they can’t.  They are living in the present a foretaste of hell.  They are experiencing the torment and suffering of their sin that has become their master and God.  The now have an evil king ruling over their lives that desires to destroy them.  “They have as king over them the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.” (Rev 9:11)  Both  the words Abaddon and Apollyon mean “Destroyer”.  And because of the weight and torment of their sin and being a slave to the destroyer king, verse 9:6 is not a future prophesy, it is a reality to them today.  “In those days people will seek death, but will not be able to find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.”  Revelations 9:6

The essential act of Satan is destruction.  In these passages we see the torment of sin.  What can free you from the bondage of Satan? What can free you from the torment of sin?  The answer is in that old hymn, “What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus.  What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus… No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

My family, I pray today you ad“mit any sin that is controlling your life.  I pray you claim it, confess it, repent of it, claim the blood of Jesus over it, and release, and seek the help that may be needed to come out of the rule of the destroyer.  Who the son sets free, is free indeed! In Jesus’ name.  God bless you my friends!

 I want to encourage you to join me by also sharing with us your thoughts, comments, reflections, and prayers you received from today’s reading in the comment box below.


Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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