Good morning, Lord Jesus. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. Be King and Lord of my life today.  ...

"They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are called and chosen and faithful" (Revelation 17:14).

Every day the world is at war with our faith. The wisdom of the world is at war with the wisdom of heaven; the ways of the world are at war with the ways of heaven. But we should not be surprised, as if something strange were happening. You said from the beginning, "In Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

You have overcome the world. You are the King of the kingdom of God and "(Your) kingdom not is of this world" (John 18:36). And now through faith in You, Your kingdom is within me (Luke 17:21). Because You have overcome, I can overcome, for You are in me and I am in You (John 15:5). In relationship with You and by the Presence and power of Your Spirit at work within me, I am one of Your "called and chosen and faithful."

 You've not called me out of this world, but to overcome this world--all by the power of the grace of God at work within me (John 17:14-19). Empower me to overcome the wisdom and ways, the temptations and trials, of the world around me today. Let Your kingdom come, Your will be done, here in my heart in the midst of my world today. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

My family, I pray this morning you will take time in Scriptures and prayer to connect with the Spirit of Christ within you to overcome the spirit of the world around you, as You make Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords in every area of your life. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

 I want to encourage you to join me by also sharing with us your thoughts, comments, reflections, and prayers you received from today’s reading in the comment box below.


Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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