Most scholars put this chapter in history between the time the Tribute was Sennacherib (2 kings 18:13-16) and when the final attacks on Jerusalem had begun. The leaders of Judah have tried everything to free themselves from the grip of Assyria. But everything they tried failed. Egypt has been defeated, Sennacherib has refused bribes and to be bought off; he took the money, but still remains and is now preparing for battle against them. In this moment, Hezekiah leads his people to repentance and God gives his response which Isaiah records here.
Israel found themselves caught up in a really bad situation that was threatening to destroy them. And they tried everything they could on their own, used all their own strategies, hard work, and resources to get out of it. But it was only as a last resort, after everything else failed, in desperation did they call out to God. Because of a worldly view, pride, ego, and self-reliance, the first thing they should have tried for deliverance and the first person they needed to ask for help, God, was the last thing they tried.
Sound familiar? What was true in the lives of the "church" thousands of years ago is true in the lives of Christians today. We don't like to repent, we don't like to admit we can't fix it, and only in desperation after we have completed messed everything up and find ourselves without hope do we fall on our knees and pray. Only then can we hear God's response.
Also, it took one person, Hezekiah, to stand up and be the spiritual leader and convince the people the need to repent and lead them back to God. You and I need to be that one person in our marriages, families, circle of friends, work places, neighborhoods and especially our churches. We need to be the one to help them see the error of their striving in themselves and seek God's support and direction through prayer, reading the Bible, and gathering with believers for support.
My family, I pray after you read this, you will not just click the "Like" tab on FB, and continue on in your own means, but take some time to put these reflections into action, seek God, and pray over your life. In this season of Lent, reflect on how and with what you are fighting your battles? How you are a “Hezekiah” leading and calling those you have a relationship with and influence over to turn back to God, repent and pray, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!
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