Good morning Jesus, Let your Spirit blow on me and through me to breath live into me as I begin my day
“Servant” is the theme of this chapter. However Isaiah’s focus on this theme of “a servant”is not on servants as we generally think of them. “Servants” as people who are passive and weak, who’s destruction and captivity is evidence of the failure and inability to be delivered by the lesser gods they followed. In this chapter Isaiah introduces to us the “Servant,” the true representation of Israel, who comes with power and who will be God’s agent and bring His covenant to the people and restore justice to all the nations. This Servant of Israel will Himself lead Isreal and it’s people to become what they had always desired to be.
The mighty hand of God is about to be revealed in His deliver of Israel. But instead of it being a military, armor bearing,, laced boot, ass-kicking destroyer of the enemies of the nations, he will be a tender plant, a shoot off Jesse’s root (11:1), an apparent failure, a meek lamb to be slaughtered, However, he will be the one to atone for the sins of the nation and those of the world. And beginning here and in the chapters to follow, salvation is no longer something to be anticipated and longed for but now Israel is being invited to participate in something that has already been achieved. What is the means it will be achieved? The substitutionary death of the Servant for Israel and the world.
God has said that the lives of His people in Israel, because of the atoning sacrifice of the Servant, would be the evidence to the world that he alone is the Holy One. Our lives as people of God, because of the atoning sacrifice of the Servant, who’s name we know, Jesus, are to be the evidence to those we encounter in our daily life that God alone is the Holy one and Jesus is Lord. What God revealed to Isaiah and which Isaiah then spoke about as a future prophecy to come, Jesus confirmed, spoke into and lived out in reality:
As we begin another week of Lent, Isaiah’s prophecy speaks into the season to reflect on an pray over the saving acts of our suffering servant, who became our sacrificial lamb on the cross, and by His resurrection, this servant became our savior and redeemer,
My family, Jesus“ main characteristic by which He was known was that of a servant. God sent Him into the world to serve. In Lent, we not only give up things and fast to re-connect with Jesus, we take on ways of serving our neighbors as well. As Jesus said, “Just as the Father sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world…. “I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony…. so that the world will believe that you sent me.” ( John 17:18-22). I pray as you begin your week you will seek out and enter into ways to serve those in your community and be a tangible example of the sacrificial love of Christ in their lives, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!
Please share your thoughts and experiences on fasting in the comment box below.
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