Good morning Jesus, I place my spirit in your Spirit to allow deep to talk to deep…

Today we look at the Holy Spirit's role as a Witnesses and one who convicts: 

The Holy Spirit is a witness to the Gospel.  The Holy Spirit is a witness to the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.  The presence of the Holy Spirit in you demands that you be a witness of the same.  The Holy Spirit does not dwell in you to be silent.  And the Holy Spirit convicts you, and causes a “holy tension” in you in the moments when you feel his witness of the Gospel and presence of Christ in you, and you realize and are aware the Gospel is not flowing out of you.  I pray you and I may never be comfortable!!!  The Holy Spirit also convicts those who hear the Gospel, and realize they are not living the Gospel. In Acts 5:29-33 we see these three things: The Holy Spirit witnesses to Peter the truth of Jesus,  filled with the Spirit Peter witnesses to others the truth of Jesus, and those who hear his words are convicted and angered.

We are called to be a witness and a convicting source of the Gospel in the world.  Our lives are to be tangible examples of the presence, the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.  Read Galatians 5:16-25 and reflect on the “fruits” in your life compared to the fruits in these verses.

We are not called to be a witness to the Gospel on our own, but as part of a team, the body, the church, as I reflected on yesterday.   If you are a sports fan you probably have a favorite team. Today is Friday and the weekend is upon us. This Sunday, probably the majority of you reading this reflection will go to your church and be part of “your team.”  How does your team, your church acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit.  I have created a list that contains areas that the Holy Spirit can be acknowledged and presence sought after in a Sunday church service.  It is not to be used strictly as a check list, but a list that makes you aware of ways the Holy Spirit’s presence and importance, or lack their of, can be displayed in worship.  Read it over, perhaps copy it to your phone.  I would love to hear your comments after you attend your service on Sunday of how the Holy Spirit is presented in your church. 

Following the list is another short video by Francis Chan that ties into today’s reflection on the Holy Spirit.  Please take time to watch it.   Read Acts 5:29-33, Gal. 5:16-25; 1 John 4:13-14; Exodus 24:16-17, and please post your reelections, reactions, or insights from today’s message as a comment below.

Much love,



Holy Spirit in Worship Observation List

Was the Holy Spirit acknowledged or presented:

A.     Visual: 

1.     Worship facility design or architecture

2.     Banners, posters, artwork, paintings, stain glass candles, hangings

3.     Other observations/comments

B.     Worship: Song lyrics. music, video

1.     Song lyrics that reference the Holy Spirit

2.     Music: loud, soft, use of silence

3.     In video and PowerPoint/Pro Presenter presentations

4.     In the body posture and vocal expressions of those leading worship.

5.     Other observations/comments

C.     Service:

1.     In any liturgy, Creeds, formal prayers

2.     Sacraments: Baptism, Lord’s Supper..ect.

3.     Corporate confessions, or praying for healing through the Spirit.

4.     Other observations/comments

D.    Prayer

1.     Holy Spirit referenced

2.     Silence used, other form of Spiritual disciplines or meditations

3.     Observations/comments

E.     Pastor/Priest/Rabbi

1.     In the greeting/benediction

2.     In the sermon

3.     In the prayers

4.     In their posture, expressions of those praying

5.     Other observations/comments

F.     Congregation

1.     In any personal interaction with you: offers to pray with you, lay hands…ect.

2.     In their personal expression: vocally, raising of hands, kneeling, crying, speaking in tongues, dancing…etc.

3.     In public worship: leading in the service, sharing a testimony…etc.

4.     Other observations/comments

G.     Personally

1.     A time you felt moved by or the strong presence of the Holy Spirit.

2.     A time you felt distracted or hindered by something in seeking the Spirits presence. 

3.     Other observations/comments

H.    Holy Spirit

1.     From my list of attributes from day one of this study, what attributes of the Holy Spirit did your church’s service present or support?

2.     From the list, attributes, what attibutes if any, were not affirmed, or did you feel were discouraged?



Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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