Good morning, Lord Jesus. Be at the center of all I am and all I do, with me always in every moment of every day. ...

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand at last on the earth” (Job 19:25).

Yesterday morning, I served at the Manna Houseunloading trucks of food to get the line ready for food distribution to the week. I go there to help bless, encourage, tangibly help, and love my neighbors who are in need. Yesterday, morning, I was blessed and received encouragement from one of those neighbors. I talked with a man living in physical poverty. He rides an ld bike, lives in a low rent, “slum” apartment, wears clothes from the donation bin, and eats hands mouth. Though he lives in physical poverty, he is rich ispiritualy. As we talked about our faith his eyes lit up as he shared with great joy his love for Jesus, all He has done for him and all He continues to do for him. He is poor and lives in poverty, yet speaks of being blessed, favored, and grateful. He intimately and personally claimed many times it is because he has been redeemed and that his redeemer lives!

Jesus, You are my Redeemer.

 You’re the One who causes all things to work together for good for me, as You keep giving me the grace to keep trusting in You. You’re the One who turns it all around and sets all things right--all in Your time and all in Your way--as I keep entrusting all things to You.

Even what was intended for evil, You turn it for good. Even what was hard and painful and challenging, You use it for Your purposes of changing me and conforming me into all You have for me. You don’t waste a moment of my sufferings. You don’t miss an opportunity to teach me how to learn to love, how to learn to trust, how to learn to rest in You and Your plans for me.

 As I keep turning to You, keep trusting in You, there’s no sin You can’t forgive, no hurt You can’t heal, no chain You can’t break, no wall You can’t break through, no stronghold You can’t pull down, no life You can’t change. You can redeem it all.

You are my Redeemer. And I know my Redeemer lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

My family,  may you know your Redeemer lives, as He keeps giving you the grace to keep trusting in Him, allowing Him to be at work in you and everything you go through, making you more like Him every day, in Jesus' name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you, my friends!

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comment box below.

Take 4 minutes to be reminder your redeemer lives in song.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC 


I could use your financial support for One Direction Community, my family, and those on the margins God has placed in my path I refuse to walk around.  Please partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758.  

Thank You!


