There are more people in prison in the USA than any other country.

·      2.4 Million people, 6.8%,

·      China, 1.6 million, 1.1% 

·      1,719 state prisons, 109 federal prisons, 1,772 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,163 local jails, and 80 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals,

·      Every year 600,000 people enter prison gates, 10.6 million people go to jail

23% of people illiterate

·      32 million adults can’t read in the US, 14% of our population

·      22% read below 5th grade level

·      19% of high school graduates can’t read

·      85% of juveniles who interact with the juvenile court system are considered functionaly illiterate

·      70% of inmates in US prisons can not read above the 4th grade level.

Gun deaths from mass shootings, suicides and murders in the US

·      suicides account for 60% of gun deaths in US in 2017

·      murders 37%

·      other 7%

·      Mass shootings 165

·      Other countries higher because of war, military, Government

·      Not number of Guns, Switzerland, all have guns.

·      We are not the only country that has guns, but we are the country that people are using them to kill each other.

·      Almost 18,000 murders last year

·      Nearly 45,000 suicides

 Opioids addiction, prescription, heroin,

·      40% of OD prescription        

·      2007 doubled

·      2017 tripled

·      more than 72,000 people were killed by drug overdose in US in 2018

Church attendance falling

·      in 1948 only 2% of population considered themselves to be non religious

·      it did not hit double digits, 10% until 2002, 54 years went up only 7%

·      from 2002-2018, 16 years it has doubled to 20%

Love of God is diminishing

But there is always Hope in darkness

In the 18 century there was Hope in darkness

1/4 women were prostitutes

Slavery was legal and the norm.  Not only slaves imported from Africa, also People who could not pay debts.

·      Meal consisted of bread and potatoes

·      For every 1,000 children born in early-18th-century London, almost 500 died before they were 2, generally due to malnutrition, bad water, dirty food, and poor hygiene.

·      Orphans roamed the streets; because they didn’t attend school, they had little chance of improving their situation.

·      England suffered from gin drinking. It was cheap and it was sold everywhere as you did not need a license to sell it. Many people ruined their health by drinking gin. Sadly for many poor people drinking gin was their only comfort. 

·      Smallpox was a plague.. Even if it did not kill you it would leave you scarred with pox marks. 

·      Cruel Sports like cockfighting and Bull baiting

The early 18th century was noted for its lack of religious enthusiasm and vigor.

·      The churches in England were declining, loosing their influences on society, attendance was dropping

·      The love of God was diminishing.

Where was the hope in this darkness?

The great evangelist George Whitfield began preaching and

two brothers, John and Charles Wesley, God called them out


·      John Wesley traveled all over the country, often preaching in open spaces, markets, in bars, in work places.

·       Charles Wesley, who wrote hymns, took the melody of Tavern songs and put them to Christian lyrics. 

·      People jeered at John’s meetings and threw stones at him.

·      John Wesley said that after preaching in a town if he was not driven out of the town, spat upon and had items thrown at him, He wondered if he had preached the Gospel

·       Wesley persevered. He never intended to form another religion (The Methodist Churxh) or separate from the Church of England.  He died and Anglican Priest.

·      He wanted hope in the darkness, He wanted to stop the diminishing love of God in the church and stir people’s hearts to increase their love of God.! He wanted a revival!  To see a movement of God.  And that is what he started with his desire for social holiness and montra of Sola Scriptura, only Scripture, one book for all people.

The revival and movement of God then swept into Wales and Scotland

Then , a New Era, the Victorian Era was ushered in.

The revival then swept across the Atlantic to America.

·      Where Most people in North America lived by back breaking work and usually lasted from dawn to dusk.

·      Rum drinking became an epidemic as well as beer.

·      Church was declining. Love of God was diminishing.

A great religious revival began in the North American colonies.

·      Later it was given the name 'The Great Awakening'. 

·      It was aided by William Tennant, a Presbyterian preacher

·      Jonathan Edwards, and Francis Asbury, who trained under Wesley started circuit riders sent out them out into towns.

·      They started holding Camp Meetings, where people from surrounding towns would gather in a field or open space to hear the Gospel, sing hymns, hear testimonies.

·      They started a Revival!

We stand on the precipas of a new era. We are now “the hope in the darkness”

·      We stand in the same place, in a land where the Love of God is diminishing

·      We live in a same time where people are looking for hope in darkness.

·      We serve the same Lord Jesus, as we read in Revelations 4 of the Lamb who conquers.

·      The same Lord who sits in the throne room of God that Wesley, Whitclif, Asbury and the others served.

·      We have the same presence, power and fire of the Holy Spirit in each of us that rested on the original disciples at Pentecost, was the source of the earlier revivals that brought to life the preaching of the Gospel with power, put boldness in hearts to share it, convicted those who heard it, and transformed communities.

·      We have in us the DNA of a revival.  The DNA of revival is in each one of you. Do you realize that?  In you is the DNA of a revival!

·      The DNA of a revival is in each one of you.

o   Not just to be saved

o   Not just to serve at House Of The Harvest or Manna House.

o   Not just to start or be part of a Band or accountability group.

o   Not just to open your home to others to start a house church or other gathering

o   Not just to be a light of Christ in your workplace

o   But to set fire to your community and begin a revival of God.


Read, The Revelation of Jesus Christ (found in The Book Of Revelation).  If you want to summarize John’s vision in 25 words or less, it is:

A call to radical discipleship as a faithful citizen of God’s new Jerusalem in the midst of a fallen Babylon world.

Jesus speaks to the seven churches, Where in each of them in some way their love of God is diminishing, and he ends his message  to all of them the same way.  “To the one who conquers”

Ephesus: To the one who conquers, I will permit him to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.ʼ

Smyrna: The one who conquers will in no way be harmed by the second death.ʼ

Pergamum: To the one who conquers, I will give him some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on that stone will be written a new name that no one can understand except the one who receives it.ʼ

Thyatira: to the one who conquers and who continues in my deeds until the end, I will give him authority over the nations –

Sardis: The one who conquers will be dressed like them in white clothing, and I will never erase his name from the book of life, but will declare his name before my Father and before his angels.

Philadelphia: The one who conquers I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never depart from it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God .. and my new name as well.

Laodicea: I will grant the one who conquers permission to sit with me on my throne, just as I too conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.


“Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy aloud, and blessed are those who hear and obey the things written in it,” (Rev. 1:3)

What does it mean to Conquer? The above “Conquer” is in the Aortist tense in Greek, which translated means not just has conquered but is conquering.  Like being Potty trained.  Once you are potty trained, you do not stop, but continue daily in that training.

The tense is single, “the one” who has conquered.  So it is addressing not only the church collectively, but each one of us individually. Each of us with the DNA for revival.

 Who is the one who conquers? The one who lives out radical discipleship as a faithful citizen of God’s new Jerusalem in the midst of a fallen Babylon world.  You receive all the promises today!

We stand on the edge of a new era.

We stand on the edge of a new era with a powder keg, a powder keg of love!

We sing the song, “It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by you. This is how I fight my battles!  This is how I become one that conquers!

This is how we stand on the edge, become hope in darkness and usher in a new era of revival!

My family, I pray this morning as you walk out your door to begin a new week, you understand and embrace the reality that you are the hope in the darkness to the current world you are walking out into. And you are the one who conquers, in Jesus’ name Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!

Please share your thoughts and reflections in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC

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