Good morning Lord Jesus,, lead me toto the place people and practices that will glorify you today

“I, I am,. the Lord,

and besides me there is no savior.

 I declared and saved and proclaimed,

when there was no strange god among you;

and you are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and I am God.”  43:11-12

This chapter reminds us that God’s act of salvation on our behalf and our cal by Him to be his chosen people, was an act by God out one of purest grace.  God’s saving act in Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago and today was not because of anything people have done. It is not because the people 2,000 years ago or we today have become more perceptive of God or more obedient towards him.  Nor was God’s salvation made conditional on their repentance back then or ours today.  He did not require that the world to repent before He sent the Son. Actually, they rebelled while God sent His Son and they killed Him.  God does not condition his sending of the Son into the world today on its repentance, as the world still rebels against God. This chapters overall theme is the gracious (un-earned, un-deserved gift) salvation of God and that God’ has the ability and desire to save.  The problem is not on God’s side, it is on ours.

Isaiah also announces to Israel, and reminds us, that God created and shaped their nation, He created and shaped you, and desires to have a special relationship with you where you experience His grace.  And that God’s people need not fear that His acts of discipline or correction signals a negation of their salvation or a suspension of God’s loving care and grace towards them.  Just as the corrections a mother gives her child do not signal a lessoning of her love for her child.  But rather the opposite. 

People say to each other, “Have a blessed day!” or simply, “God bless you!”  like it is an option or that God will or wants to bless you.  God desires to bless you today with the grace of his salvation and have you experience it and live in it!  So let him!  Let him! I pray you will, in Jesus’ name.  Please pray that I will as well. God bless you my friends!

As we read through Scriptures together it is not my intention that it be a lecture or a blog, but a conversation.  I hope you will start posting your thoughts and reflections as well in the comment box below.

Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower

One Direction Community/Toney UMC



Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC/ Toney United Methodist Church

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Thank You!  


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