Isaiah Chapter 44
“This is what the Lord, the one who made you, says-
the one who formed you in the womb and helps you:
“Donʼt be afraid, my servant Jacob,
Jeshurun, a whom I have chosen”
Chapter 44 continues the same subject of chapter 43, the completely unmerited nature of God’s salvation. God through Isaiah reminds the people that their sin has removed any obligation He has whatsoever to them: they cannot demand anything from God especially that He deliver them. But this does not mean that God will not deliver them, it means that what He does is a free, unearned gift flowing out of his own love.
What is the message God wants his people, the Israelites to hear,? Do not fear! V.44:2 The world says to the Israelites that God has rejected them. That they are an abandoned widow and their reputation is rotten and they are to be mocked and put to shame. God however speaks to them words of encouragement. He says they are his chosen one, and that “I will pour water on the parched ground and cause streams to flow on the dry land” v.3
The images of water in a dry land are all throughout the book pf Isaiah. It is a metaphor for the pouring out of God’s spirit, his water of life into hearts that are dead from sin and dry from no hope in life. God’s outpouring of his Spirit was ultimately fulfilled on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out into all humanity and made life-giving water available to those dead in sin.
Today as you pray:
Remember, the salvation you receive today is a total gift of grace out of God’s amazing love for you.
Remember: God’s message to you today is do not fear!
Remember: The refreshing water of the Holy Spirit is available to pour into the “dry places” in your life and heart if you ask, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me!
As and as we remember these things, let us give thanks and praise to God!!It is God’s desire to bless you my friends