Good morning Lord Jesus, I seek your Spirit to give me the strength and courage to change today to be more like you.
When I was praying and thinking about the aspect of Signs and Wonders, 1Kings 18:20-40 came to my mind. Read it today. It is the story of Elijah vs. the priests of Baal on who's God could send down fire to consume the offering on their altar. Elijah had a confidence, I could go so far as to say a "cockiness" about his amazing God and a complete assurance that his church's God could send down fire from heaven as easily as our churches send out a letter.
I read this and I think wow! I read about the church in Acts 4 that was gathered together in prayer and the Holy Spirit descended on them and the room shook like there was an earthquake. I want to be part of that church! don't you? I want to be part of a church that is not held together, focused on, or exists because it has talented people and leaders present on Sunday mornings, but because the fire of the Holy Spirit is present. I want to be part of a church where people walking out of it are not critiquing a sermon series by a pastor, but in awe of the series of signs, healing and wonders they just witnessed by God.
God's desire at creation, Jesus death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit's in dwelling, were and are all for the creation and existence of such a church. A "supernatural church" that is unstoppable. Frances Chan in the video below I attached commented on how churches today are so easily "stoppable." A talented leader leaves, a donor dies, a strategic plan fails, and church doors close or its ministries become ineffective. In order for a church to be an unstoppable, supernatural church, it has to rely and be surrendered to our unstoppable and supernatural God. You become a supernatural church by spending hours doing what the world does not view as "super," and does not come "natural" to us; hours spent together on our knees.
Watch the video below by Francis Chan. Read 1 Kings 18:20-40; Joel 2:28-32, and Acts 4:29-33.
My family,. pray that signs and wonders, the sending of fire from heaven, will be common place in your church and life, in Jesus name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!
Please post you thoughts from my reflections, the video, and/or the Scriptures below for us to discuss.
Much love,
Gary Liederbach- Lead Follower
One Direction Community/Toney UMC
Facebook: One Direction Community-ODC
In July I will step out of pastoring Toney UMC and pour completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods. Please partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758. Thank You!TO GIVE , CLICK HERE