Good morning Lord Jesus, Father, Son and Spirit I place myself in union with you and in oneness with you.
Unity in the body. Jesus Prayed,” Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one.” (John 17:11). Jesus prayed for unity over his church to be one body, and the Holy Spirit is at the centered of God’s desire for unity of the body of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s presence in the Lord’s Supper that invites and brings the body together at one table. It was the death of Christ on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead for all humanity that provided access to God and a restored relationship together with Him. It is through Prevenient Grace, the seeking presence of the Holy Spirit that drawed us to Christ, led us into repentance of our sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ through faith that we entered the Kingdom of God and were adopted into the body of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s work and presence in our baptism that we are sealed and marked as part of the body of Christ and publicly declare to all our claim of entering into the body.
The complete plan of salvation has a world view. (“God so loved the World…” John 3:16) of creating a body of believers, His church. Through the working presence and power of the Holy Spirit. God did not design you for a “private” faith. The personalized faith I hear from many in the church of, ”I do not need to go to church or to be part of the body, but I can stay home and read the Bible and find God on my own” Is a statement in direct contrast to the world view plan of salvation of God and flies in the face of the sending of the Holy Spirit to make us one body.
Our oneness as the body of Christ is a tangible example of the kingdom of God, his reign on the earth, and the Lordship of God. When those who claim to be Christians, part of the body forgo attending gatherings of the body; When various denominations are divided and speak descending against each other; When disputes break out in local churches among members; it is a sign to the world that we are not united, not a body, and those in outside look at this and disunity and say, if they cannot even be united, then there is no Holy Spirit present, God does not reign and Jesus is not Lord.
My family, I ask you today to pray over the body. Pray through the presence of the Holy Spirit for an increased yearning to gather together in prayer, sharing the Lord’s Supper, the reading of the Word, and testimonies of God. Pray over your participation in the body of Christ. If you are in Christ, but now find yourself absent from the body; for whatever reason you have isolated yourself from it, pray for the courage and conviction to re-engage. If you know someone who is a member of the body, but has been absent for awhile, take 60 seconds to send them a text or email and tell them they are missed. If you know somebody who is not part of the body, pray that the Holy Spirit gives you boldness to approach and invite them into the body. And if you have never been adopted into the body through the Holy Spirit’s guidance into trust, repentance, acceptance, and faith in Jesus Christ, I pray you will be lead to make that decision today. Call me, 256-302-3785., I will listen, love and welcome you into my family of faith. I pray you read Ezekiel:11:17-20, Romans 12:3-10.;Acts 4:29-33; 1Cor. 12:12-14; and all of 1Cor. 12, in Jesus’ name. Please pray the same for me. God bless you my friends!
As a body please post the first first names of those you know have not accepted yet the invitation into the body of Christ so we can pray over them. And post other thoughts or reflections below as a comment.
In July I will step out of pastoring Toney UMC and pour completely into planting and growing simple house churches in our neighborhoods. Please partner and support myself and One Direction community through setting up a monthly donation or a one –time gift by clicking the link below. Donation checks can be made out to ODC, PO Box 1293 Madison, Al 35758. Thank You